- for Women with Excessive Underarm Perspiration -

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About This Site

Not your usual site about hyperhidrosis.

There are two main reasons I created this site. The first is simple enough: I wanted to improve my limited HTML and graphics skills. The other is I could find no other site like it.

Most Web sites about hyperhidrosis discuss how to get rid of it with chemicals, drugs or surgery, thereby perpetuating the stereotype that people with HH are terribly unlucky souls who will be shunned by society until they correct their horrible "ailment". I could find no site that offered encouragement in a supportive way. I found no site the non-HH sufferer could peruse to learn a bit about the condition in a realistic way.

You'll also find some light-heartedness and even levity here. By no means is this meant to belittle anyone with HH, or make light of the condition; remember, I have it too. My intent is to try to break the tension that so many of us feel when dealing with HH. A little laughter can go a long way toward reducing stress (and, in turn, sweat!).

And I absolutely don't mean to pretend that HH does not affect people's lives. Certain kinds of HH can be very tough to deal with. Some people have excessive sweating on their hands. Their wet hands can be too slippery to turn a door knob, or even hold a pen. They are reluctant to shake hands for fear of the other person's reaction to their cold, clammy hand. (Best suggestion I've heard: in social, hand-shaking situations, hold a cold drink.) I can understand these people searching for a solution since their HH makes many daily activities difficult.

Some people have excessively sweaty feet. That can be tough on footwear. Some people have excessive facial and/or head sweat, and the sweat drips into their eyes. For many people, like myself, the problem area is the underarms, and that is the main focus of this site. Regardless of the weather or our level of activity, we'll often have dark sweat patches on our clothes. I see these types of HH less life-limiting than hand sweating. There is nothing we physically cannot do. For 95% of people with these types of HH, the main concern is one of embarrassment at what others might be thinking.

What do you care what others think? That's right. I think that's the appropriate attitude for HH sufferers: so what if someone notices we sweat? Everyone sweats. In fact, the more we can shrug off the worry, the more relaxed we'll feel, and the less we'll probably sweat. If we accept ourselves as we are so will others.

Do you think excessive sweating is limiting your career choices? That's an excuse! The only one limiting the choice is you! Two examples: Al Gore and Meg Ryan. From photos we can conclude that both have underarm HH, but one was elected president by the popular vote, and the other is a major movie star. If they can do it, so can we.

Do you think excessive sweating is limiting your choice of dates and/or mates? Hogwash! No boyfriend has ever rejected me because I sweat. In fact, some men have actually found my underarm HH a turn on. I kid you not. One of the main keys to dating success for both men and women is self confidence. I'm not talking overt boldness, just self assuredness. Let me tell you, a man who is self confident in the face of adversity gets my attention. One more thing: someone who might reject your friendship simply because of something like HH isn't worth having as a friend.

Since most of the content here is from a woman's perspective, I've listed this site as one primarily for women, but it can be helpful to men as well. I think there is more of a stigma attached to sweating for women than for men. I think the common perception is that when men sweat, it is because they are exerting themselves in the pursuit of a goal, a very "manly" and therefore appropriate thing. I don't think women are as readily granted a similar allowance.

I hope that by reading the other content at this site you will learn to cope a bit better with your HH. Or, if you do not have HH, you'll see we're not freaks, just normal people that sweat a little more that you. Whoever you are, I hope this site inspires you to experience life to the fullest.

My best wishes to you. _Hugs_ Janet

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